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Cultural Anthropology

August 15, 2019
Providing students with a foundation in the study of culture, particularly in cultural systems, narratives, and performances, globalization, political and economic systems, religion, ethnography, applied anthropology, etc. Students who study cultural anthropology find employment opportunities in international organizations (i.e., U.N.), government agencies, corporations, historical/cultural associations, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).

Majors, Minors, and Certificates

Cultural Anthropology (BA)
Cultural Anthropology Minor

Hawaiian Studies

October 29, 2019
The mission of the Hawaiian Studies Program is to provide the kahua (foundation) that connects the University with our kupuna (ancestors) of the ʻāina (land) of Lāʻie and Hawaiʻi. Additionally to supports and complements the goals of the University through its program in language and culture, which include art, music, history, hula, and chant. The curriculum of the Hawaiian Studies Program teaches kuleana (stewardship) for ka ʻāina (the land), through utilizing our beloved Kahuaola and its loʻi (taro patch). In addition, students will learn kuleana for ke kai (the sea) through our beautiful 57-foot waʻakaulua (double-hull voyaging canoe) Iosepa. The Hawaiian Studies curriculum stimulates creativity, intellectual growth, and performance skills with critical thinking, producing individuals who are prepared for family, community, and church service. Students will be prepared to function successfully in a chosen profession as individuals who are equipped for problem-solving and shared decision-making through open communication in the contemporary global environment. Furthermore, the Hawaiian Studies Program prepares students to be fluent in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language). Students will be able to use ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi socially as well as professionally.

Majors, Minors, and Certificates

Hawaiian Studies (BA)
Hawaiian Language Minor
Hawaiian Studies Minor
Hawaiian Language Certificate


August 15, 2019
The history major lies at the center of the liberal arts curriculum and supports the University's goal of offering a broad university education based on the world’s arts, letters, and sciences. It offers students the opportunity to expand their horizons around the globe and across time from the earliest human era to the present. History students work in positions of challenge and responsibility in nearly every field, from business to teaching to law to government service. Many go on to earn graduate and professional degrees. They learn skills in research, writing, critical thinking, synthesis, and interdisciplinarity that offer the best preparation for the varying challenges of work and service in the rapidly changing world.

Majors, Minors, and Certificates

History (BA)
History Education (BA)
Social Science Education (BS)
History Minor
Asian Studies Minor

Integrated Humanities

October 30, 2019
The study of integrated humanities will provide students with a way to productively approach world cultures through their arts, music, literature, film, folklore, history, theatre, philosophies, and aesthetics. While being introduced to new ideas, students will also have the opportunity to explore and survey critical theories and apply them in analyzing and interpreting creative works from different cultures and time periods.

Majors, Minors, and Certificates

Integrated Humanities (BA)
Integrated Humanities Minor
Foundational Language Study Minor
Chinese Minor (Mandarin)
Japanese Minor
Spanish Minor

Intercultural Peacebuilding

December 19, 2019
Inspired by the unique founding mission of the university that students who graduate from BYU–Hawaii will be “influences toward the establishment of Peace internationally”, the Intercultural Peacebuilding Program emphasizes theories of harmony, cross-cultural leadership and negotiation, and conflict resolution and transformation at the interpersonal, community and international levels. It also highlights the spiritual components of these areas such as forgiveness and reconciliation. The major draws on a broad range of theories from the academic disciplines of anthropology, communications, cultural studies, political science, psychology, history, economics, and international law. Additionally, the major provides practical tools like mediation, facilitation, and NGO creation in real-world projects connected to the David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding to give students a skill base to complement their theoretical learning.

Majors, Minors, and Certificates

Intercultural Peacebuilding (BA)
Intercultural Peacebuilding Certificate


August 14, 2019
The BYU–Hawaii Music Program includes a minor in music and a major in music with multiple emphases that ultimately result in a bachelor's degree in music. Emphasis includes instrumental performance, piano performance, vocal performance, and world music studies. The Music Program provides instruction in composition, instrumental music (including brass, percussion, woodwinds, piano, and strings), and vocal performance.

The study of music at Brigham Young University–Hawaii involves two components: practical performance (both solo and ensemble) and academic studies (theory and history). Therefore, academic coursework and practical performance are seen as interlocking and vital to the developing musician. Through rigorous training, students are equipped to perform artistically, to teach effectively, and to provide music leadership in the Church and in the community. In addition to the Western tradition in music, students also learn cultural sensitivity through contact with diverse world music cultures. The Music Program provides service to the University by creating a rich artistic environment of concerts, recitals, and music for devotionals, graduations, convocations, and other campus events.

Majors, Minors, and Certificates

Music (BA)
Music Minor

Pacific Studies

November 12, 2019
The Pacific Islands Studies Program prepares students to be knowledgeable about the languages and cultures of the people of the Pacific. Students also have an area of emphasis in order to prepare them to be employable in the community and the region.

Majors, Minors, and Certificates

Pacific Island Studies (BA)
Pacific Island Studies Minor


October 07, 2022
Theatre offers a solid foundation for your future endeavors. It allows you to prepare for careers that are increasingly dependent on the humanities—careers in performance, public office, education, non-profit, and the corporate sector. Graduates with degrees in theatre can become professional actors, directors, designers, stage managers, arts administrators, talent agents, teachers, entrepreneurs, lawyers, marketing specialists, and sales directors.

Majors, Minors, and Certificates

Theatre Minor