Internships Guidelines Skip to main content

Internships Guidelines

Internship Requirements

  • 45 hours per 1 credit (135 hours for 3 credits)
  • 3 learning objectives relating your internship to your major
  • 5-6 page post-internship reflection paper
  • Junior or Senior status

Internship Steps

  • Find an internship or talk to a supervising professor for options
  • Seek approval from the program internship coordinator
  • Fill out an application on Handshake
  • Add 3 Learning Objectives to Handshake
  • Send supervisor your Offer Letter from your employer
  • Get your Memorandum of Understanding signed and returned if needed
  • Get registered

These steps must be completed BEFORE your internship or you will NOT receive credit

  • Visit Career Services and use their resources

    Go to YCareer to search established internships online

    Explore family or personal connections for internships that suit your desired career field and preference

    Discuss options with your internship advisor listed below
  • Submit an evaluation form completed by your employer about your performance

    Submit a self-evaluation form

    Submit your reflection paper within one month of returning
  • Write a 5-6 page reflection paper explaining how this internship experience benefited from what you learned (what theories went into actual practice during the internship, what observations you had on the job illustrate the materials or theories (ANTH, IPB, etc.) in the classroom? How the internship helped you decide what your career path might be, and any other benefits you gain from this experience. This is a critical reflection paper, not a description only of what the job tasks were. This paper is due within one month of your return from the internship to receive a passing grade.
  • The Memorandum of Understanding is a contract between your employer and the school. It is necessary if you are the first BYUH intern at your workplace in the past year. If you are interning at BYUH or PCC, this form is unnecessary.

    The Internship Approval Form is the form you will have signed and return to your internship supervisor. Some parts of the form may not apply to you.

    The Internship Registration form helps explain the internship process.

    For students leaving the US, flight funding may be available. Contact the career center for more info.

    If students do their internship while not taking other classes, half tuition is still required.

    For students leaving the US, Student Medical Benefit will not cover you. Make sure you arrange other forms of insurance.

Internship Program Contact Information

Tevita Kaili

Phone: 808-675-3692
Office: MFB 214

Jim Tueller

Phone: (808)-675-3841
Office: MCK 205

Lisa Faonelua

Phone: (808) 675-3665
Office: MFB 211

Kali Fermantez

Pacific Island Studies
Phone: (808) 675-3834
Office: MCK 107A

David Whippy

Phone: (808) 675-3381
Office: MCK 107E