"Mamma Mia!" Skip to main content

"Mamma Mia!" is a jukebox musical featuring music from 70s artist ABBA. This popular musical is being brought to life on stage at BYU–Hawaii this fall. "Mamma Mia!" opens Thursday, November 3 in the McKay Auditorium.


Mamma Mia is a romantic comedy, contrasting the dreams and aspirations of a 70’s girl and a 90’s girl. Through the story-telling magic of the songs of ABBA, we meet Donna, a feisty, independent single parent, who doesn’t need a man to make her life complete; and her twenty-year-old daughter Sophie, who wants romance, babies, and a big, white wedding. If only her father could give her away… If only her mother could tell her who her father is… Sun, sea, and subterfuge are the backdrop to this tale of the women who wanted to have it all, and the girls who want happy ever after. And has anyone asked what the men want?

Show Times

Mamma Mia!

Mamma Mia!

Mamma Mia!

Mamma Mia!

Mamma Mia!

Mamma Mia!

Mamma Mia!

Who's Who

  • Donna Sheridan - Violet Collins

    Sophie Sheridan - Claire Westcott

    Tanya - Tenille Ruben

    Rosia - Nahina Russell

    Ali - Brianna Frehner

    Lisa - Kaitlyn St. John

    Sam Carmichael - Cris Bailado Wilson

    Bill Austin - Riley Smith

    Harry Bright - Brandon Kyle Sorilla

    Sky - Pono Cummings

    Pepper - Jimboy Fajardo

    Eddie - Dallin McKinney

    Father Alexandrios - Bryan Larson

    Nigel - Warren Bodily
  • Abrielle Uyehara - Dance Captain

    Caroline James

    Cora Westcott

    Ryan Escabarte

    Bebe Shortland

    Ralph Mallapre

    Taylor Hopfenbeck

    Bolor Odgiiv

    Terrell We

    Lexi Ostvig

    KC Ann Tadina

    Meliana Helu

    Nick Johnson

    Jalini Jeyapathy

    Teisa Fakatou

    Mira Valdes

    Melody Christman

    Afton Messenger

    Magda Smith
  • Kristl Densley - Director

    Erica Glenn - Music Director

    Joey Powell - Assistant Music Director

    Ashley Haycock Freeman - Choreographer

    Joseph Ruben - Dance Captain

    Stephen Crowell - Light/Sound Designer& House Manager

    Miha Mortensen - Assistant Sound Designer

    Ayasha Foster - Assistant Light Designer

    Aurie Sorensen - Costume Designer

    Aaron Densley - Set Designer & Technical Director/Master

    Terrell Wu - Stage Manager

    Lorelei Davis - Assistant Stage Manager

    Britni Hull - Assistant Stage Manager

    Magda Smith - Sceneshop Supervisor
  • Miha Mortensen - Sound Operator & Construction Crew

    Sunsanee Phoomphuang - Sound Operator & Construction Crew

    Ayasha Foster - Lighting Operator & Construction Crew

    Eunji Kim - Follow Spot Operator & Construction Crew

    Lauryn Suzuki - Follow Spot Operator & Construction Crew

    Yujie Rao - Construction Crew & Usher

    Kenisha Santoso - Construction Crew & Usher

    Wing (Allison) Wong - Construction Crew & Usher

    Liangyu Sui - Construction Crew & Usher

    Yang Liang - Construction Crew, Sceneshop Crew & Usher

    Yijia (Jennifer) Liu - Costume Crew & Usher

    Sirui Wang - Costume Crew, Sceneshop Crew & Usher

    Wenjie Pei - Sceneshop Crew

    Siyuan Sun - Sceneshop Crew

    Jiafeng Zhang - Sceneshop Crew

    Pei (JJ) Fang - Sceneshop Crew

    Lexi Humpherys - Preshow Sound Designer

    Diana Hawkins - Preshow Sound Designer

    Morgan Mickelson - Prop Master

    Gina Escalante Delgado - Prop Assistant

    Preston Voisard - Tracks Coordinator

    Ariyana Milad - Time Keeper

    Battsetseg Ganbat - Backstage Crew

    Vanessa Latchumanan - Backstage Crew

    Lilly Nicholes - Backstage Crew

Faculty and Staff

Gailyn Bopp

Assistant Professor/University Archivist

Aurie Sorensen

Theater Costume and Production Manager/Administrative Assistant
AUD 182
(808) 675-4947

Darrell Moe

Administrative Assistant
MCK 173
(808) 675-4554

Brian Shevelenko

Technical Theater Manager
AUD A155