Music Program Procedures
Admission Guidelines
If you plan to study music at BYU–Hawaii, please contact the faculty member who corresponds to the area you intend to pursue. Exceptional students may be requested by music faculty to be admitted to BYUH, but the ultimate decision on admission lies with the Admissions
Formal Admission to the Music Program
Students may study music for the first semester on a provisional basis, but formal admission to the music major occurs after the first semester of enrollment in private lessons (MUS 160R) in the student’s chosen area of emphasis. At the end of the first semester, a jury will be held to determine whether the student may continue on in the major or choose another field of study.
Admission to the Music Core Curriculum
The first classes in the music core curriculum are MUS 111 and 111L (theory and aural skills). On the first day of class, a diagnostic exam will be given to determine whether students are sufficiently prepared to continue in 111 and 111L. Should students need additional preparation, they may register for MUS 103, Music Fundamentals, which is designed to prepare students for further study in 111 and 111L.
Ensemble Audition Guidelines
Each BYU–Hawaii ensemble has different audition requirements. For your ensemble of choice, please contact the director
Private Lesson Guidelines
To enroll in private lessons (MUS 159R, 160R, 260R, 360R, 460R), whether as a music major or non-major, students should consult and/or audition with the coordinating professor of that area. Please contact the faculty member who corresponds to the instrument you plan to study.
Jury Guidelines
Juries are exams for private lessons and include a performance graded by music faculty. Juries take place at the end of each semester and should be coordinated with your private instructor. Please be aware that failure to attend a jury is grounds for failure of the course.
Recital Policies
Student recitals at BYU–Hawaii (whether Junior, Senior, or extracurricular) need to be coordinated closely with the student’s faculty mentor, who will insure the student recital experience goes smoothly and professionally. Students may not schedule campus facilities unless sponsored by a faculty member.
Timelines are critical to a successful student recital:
3-6 months before the recital
With approval from a faculty mentor, schedule date/time in the Auditorium or Ballroom1 month before the recital
Posters should be posted around campus and sent electronically to the program secretary. Students are responsible for the cost and design of their own posters.1-3 weeks before recital
Students must perform at a recital jury. Failure to pass the jury requires rescheduling or canceling the recital.2 weeks before recital
Technical and stage setup requests according to auditorium or ballroom.2 weeks before recital
The printed program is due to the supervising instructor for review and edits.1 week before recital
The printed program is due to program secretaries for formatting and printing.
Evening of Concertos Competition
Every other year, students may choose to audition for inclusion in the Evening of Concertos, a concert showcasing the most outstanding student performers accompanied by musicians from the Hawaii Symphony Orchestra. Auditions are conducted in the spring (odd years) for inclusion in the fall concert.
Scholarship Competition
Every other year, students may choose to compete in the Scholarship Competition, held in the spring of even-numbered years. First, second and third-place winners receive scholarships ranging from half- to full-tuition awards. Excellent performances from the competition will be selected for inclusion on a showcase concert in the fall of the same year.
Concert Attendance Policy
Each semester of enrollment as a music major, students are required to attend seven concerts. At the end of each semester, one program from each concert (seven total), including the student’s name, should be handed into the student secretary in MCK 191. The Concert Attendance Requirement is part of every music degree and is required for graduation.
Piano Proficiency Requirement
Music majors need to pass the piano proficiency examination by the end of the sophomore year. To schedule an exam, contact Dr. McCarrey
Student Grievance Policy
If students have a concern with their teacher or their progress in the degree, they should first consult with their studio teacher or mentor. If the concern is not addressed to the satisfaction of the student, the department chair is the next avenue of recourse. If the department chair fails to address the situation, the student may choose to consult with the dean of the college, then the academic vice president and, finally, the president of BYU–Hawaii.